The founding project, http://cgcookie.com began as a Wordpress site, and has since then existed on a custom Rails CMS (Content Management System) built by the Cookie development team.
Over the years I would get asked, "Wes, what CMS are you using for CG Cookie, could we license it?" With the answer at the time being, "No", while foreseeing the expanding changes to online education we decided to pivot.
Instead of building the next iteration of CG Cookie's CMS just for us, we decided to open it up for others to build and sell digital goods. Basically instead of digging for gold, we decided to build and sell awesome shovels.😎
A CG Cookie project, with partner Nick Haskins

While in it's infancy, launched in April 2019. Maven's are able to build custom landing pages, sell digital downloads, streaming courses and offer recurring memberships.

As a CG Cookie project, I'm largely accountable for the overall management and funding of the project. Ensuring it has the autonomy and resources to succeed. Additionally I lend a hand in support, documentation and Q/A. Design and engineering is done by Nick Haskins.
- Site: http://mavenseed.com
- Twitter: http://instagram.com/mavenseed
Fun fact: this site is powered by Mavenseed. ;)